Reader Reviews

“I enjoyed the format of the book and your forthright discussion of hygiene issues facing today’s young women… I am confident that your book will truly be an asset to girls and give them the self-awareness and confidence to excel in today’s fast-paced world.”  – Wade Barnes, M.D., North Florida OB GYN


As a middle school principal, hygiene was one of the greatest challenges we faced.  Students who were not taught or who were unaware of the importance of good hygiene faced bullying and social exclusion.  When I realized the impact of assuming that teenagers understood, I immediately partnered with other agencies to address the problem…   I love the candidness of the book and the fact that it clearly addresses the most important hygiene topics and gives explicit information and connections to a better quality of life.  One thing I believe will be the most immediate benefit is that self-esteem will improve right away.  Mothers and daughters, as well as sisters will be able to freely discuss how to support each other with the tools they need to move forward.”   – Sylvia M. Johnson, Principal, Duval County Public Schools


“I expect Mrs. Coleman’s book to be listed among the most practical, informative, and interesting books regarding personal hygiene for females of all ages, but in particular, for middle and high school youth.

Having worked as an educator with elementary, middle, and high school students for a total of thirty years as an English teacher, principal and counselor in both public and private schools, I am well acquainted with child development, adolescence, and their needs for growth and productivity in a healthy, safe and prolific environment.  This book lends itself to be used in the educational environment in a variety of ways.  As an English teacher, I would use the book for small group discussions, self-improvement projects, or as an individual assessment essay assignment for my female students.  As an administrator, I would provide it as a resource for my school library, classroom libraries, and my Health Management classes.”  – Deidre B. Hester, Educator and Counselor, Co-Author of One God, Two Voices



“I recommend PHAD because it is the ultimate hygiene guide for girls to even adults and touch on the important issues that women should know to feel not only beautiful but clean… All in all, Personal Hygiene Awareness and Discussion should be read by all girls since we’re made so uniquely we need to know how to keep ourselves looking and feeling fresh with a book that is straightforward, quick, and easy. ” – Amari M., Junior, William M. Raines High School


My favorite part in this book is the whole thing, I love everything about it.  Although if I had to pick a part of it I would say the set-up of the book, how it is broken down by body parts.  I love that each chapter of the book has your personal touch on it and makes it less uncomfortable to read about keeping your lady parts nice and fresh… I have mad respect for you and this book Mrs. Valerie.  I have to applaud you for bettering the next generation.  If there are not leaders that step up, how will the generation know what to do? I think this book is amazing and awesome in every way possible and I advise girls, ladies, and women any and everywhere to read this book. – Janee G., Senior, Robert E. Lee High School


In writing Personal Hygiene Awareness and Discussion (PHAD) for Females, Valerie Coleman has used her years of experience working with middle and high school students to begin a sensible dialogue about hygiene.  Her unique humor and personal insight is incredibly useful in educating our girls as their bodies develop. I had an opportunity to work alongside Valerie and watch her use innovative ways to engage our girls.  This book is an extension of her continued commitment to equip girls with information they can use every day!   After finishing the book, [my 11-year-old daughter] Zion said, “I loved it! PHAD was a very good book because it teaches young ladies about personal hygiene in a fun, creative way.   Thank you Mrs. Valerie for writing this book; I will tell all my friends to read it!”  I agree with my daughter’s sentiments.  I encourage all parents to put this book in their tool box to prepare our girls to face the realities of their ever-changing bodies.  PHAD for Females is a must read!!!  – Monique T., Wife, Mother, and Parent Advocate